Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 3

                 Appeal 2007-3396                                                                              
                 Application 1 11008,592                                                                       
                 means molded polyurethane foams with a compressed shell and a cellular                        
                 core. Integral-skin foams may be soft to rigid.7                                              
                       Claim 1 uses the transition "comprising" three times: (1) in describing                 
                 the process steps, (2) in describing the polyol formulation, and (3) in                       
                 describing the isocyanate component. Use of "comprising" opens the                            
                 limitation so described to the inclusion of additional, unlisted elements.                    
                       Bayer uses "polyol" and "polyhydroxyl" interchangeably in its                           
                 ~~ecification.~Hence, we construe "polyols" to be a synonym for                               
                 polyhydroxyls in the relevant art.                                                            
                       Elements b), c), and e) are included "optionally", which means that                     
                 they are not limiting.9 Reduced to essentials, formulation (A) must have at                   
                 least an appropriate polyol component and water, while component (B) must                     
                 have at least an appropriate polyisocyanate and an inorganic zeolite.                         

                                             THE REJECTIONS                                                    
                       All claims are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 8 103 as directed to subject                    
                 matter that would have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the                  
                 art. The examiner relies on patents to ~orn," ~kowronski," and   is en'^ as                   

                 6 Spec. 1:3-5.                                                                                
                 7 Spec. 2:7-10.                                                                               
                  Spec. 2:20-25 & 3:24-4:lO.                                                                   
                  In re Johnston, 435 F.3d 1381, 1384,77 USPQ2d 1788, 1790 (Fed. Cir.                          
                 2006) (optional elements do not limit a claim).                                               
                 10 Peter Horn et al., Production of chlorofluorocarbon-free, urethane-                        
                 containing moldings having a cellular core and a compactedperipheral                          
                 zone, US 5,334,620 A1 (issued 2 August 1994) (Horn).                                          
                 I I Michael J. Skowronski and Kenneth G. Trout, High equivalent weight                        
                 polyesterpolyols for closed cell, rigid foams, US 5,660,926 A1 (issued                        
                 26 August 1997) (Skowronski).                                                                 

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