Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 5

                 Appeal 2007-3396                                                                              
                 Application 1 11008,592                                                                       
                 zeolites in water-based processes reacting polyols with polyisocyanates                       
                 improves the flame-resistance of such foams. The prior art also teaches                       
                 using polyols with mean hydroxyl (OH) ful~ctioi~ality of at least 2.2 and a                   
                 mean hydroxyl number of at least 300.16                                                       
                       Horn specifically teaches a process of reacting in a closed mold with                   
                 compaction: l 7                                                                               
                             a) an organic andlor modified organic poly~socyanate                              
                             b) at least one relatively high-molecular-weight                                  
                             compound containing at least two reactive hydrogen                                
                             c) optionally, a low-molecular-weight chain extender                              
                             andlor crosslinking agent, in the presence of                                     
                             d) a blowing agent,                                                               
                             e) a catalyst,                                                                    
                             f) additives, wherein one of the additives is an                                  
                             amorphous, microporous silica gel, and,                                           
                             g) optionally, assistants.                                                        
                       The high-molecular weight compound b) has a functionality of from 2                     
                 to 8. The precise functionality relates to the resulting foam rigidity: a higher              
                 functionality results in a more rigid foam. Polyols are recommended as                        
                 being particularly successful. l 8  In each of Horn's examples, a "urethane-                  
                 containing quasi-prepolyrner" called Component B is prepared by reacting a                    
                 polyisocyanate with a polyol or polyol mixture having a hydroxyl number of                    

                 l6 Horn 2:8-28.                                                                               
                 17 Horn 2:56-3:12 & claim 1.                                                                  
                   Horn 4:5 1-5:5.                                                                             
                 19 Horn 15:30-38, 16:28-38 & 17: 18-32.                                                       

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