Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 10

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                               
                Application 1 11008,592                                                                        
                gel may be added for some applications. Horn further teaches that it is                        
                "expedient" to mix the silica gel with the polyol component to improve the                     
                processing properties and stability of the polyol component. Expediency is                     
                not necessity. Horn does not teach that the process would not work if the                      
                zeolite were not added to the polyol con~ponent or if it were added to the                     
                polyisocyanate component instead. While Bayer is correct that Horn does                        
                not teach adding zeolites to the polyisocyanate component, Horn does                           
                suggest it by noting the expediency of the alternative and by noting that the                  
                prior art adds zeolites to both components. Horn by no means teaches away                      
                from adding zeolites to the polyisocyanate component.42                                        
                       Skowronski is not directed to integral-skin foams and does not teach                    
                the use of zeolites.                                                                           
                       As Bayer notes, Eisen does not teach the use of zeolites.43                             

                                     The ordinary level of skill in the art                                    
                       We look to the evidence of record-the applicant's disclosure, the                       
                cited references, and any declaration testimony-in resolving the ordinary                      
                level of skill in the art. We focus on what those of skill in the art know and                 
                can do.44 Bayer has not provided testimony on the level of skill                               
                       The specification exhibits relatively little confidence in the knowledge                
                of those in the art since it gives fairly precise directions on what ingredients               

                42 In re Fulton, 39 1 F.3d 1 195, 1200, 73 USPQ2d 1 141, 1 145 (Fed. Cir.                      
                2004) (preferred alternatives do not teach away); In re Irlland Steel Co.,                     
                265 F.3d 1354, 1361,60 USPQ2d 1396, 1402 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (lack of an                          
                advantage is not a teaching away).                                                             
                43 Br. 8.                                                                                      
                44 Exparte Jud, 2006 WL 4080053 at *2 (BPAI) (rehearing with expanded                          

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