Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 11

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                                
                Application 1 11008,592                                                                         
                to use and reveals little of direct relevance in the prior art. Indeed, the                     
                background art that Bayer cites, while similar to what Eisen discloses, is                      
                much less relevant than the older Horn patent.                                                  
                       Horn reveals broad familiarity in the polyurethane foam art with the                     
                use of polyisocyanate and pol yo1 components in water to avoid the use of                       
                more dangerous or otherwise undesirable ingredients. Horn provides                              
                detailed discussions of suitable ingredients and their specific uses, including                 
                polyisocyanates, polyhydroxyls (polyols), initiators, chain extenders, cross                    
                linkers, blowing agents, catalysts, silica gel additives, surfactants, fillers, and             
                flame-proofing agents.45 Horn also expresses confidence that those in the art                   
                would readily apply the teachings of related processes (such as for closed-                     
                cell rigid foams) and the broader ~iterature.~~                                                 
                       Bayer suggests that the large number of crystalline microporous                          
                molecular sieves that Horn teaches makes selection of a zeolite                                 
                improbable.47 To the contrary, Horn shows confidence that others in the art                     
                have sufficient skill to select zeolites as appropriate from among the many                     
                choices with very little guidance.                                                              
                       Those of skill in the art would appreciate that additional ingredients                   
                may be added to either the polyisocyanate component or the polyol                               
                component. Both Horn and Skowronski teach as much for the related close-                        
                cell rigid foam art. Skowronski also suggests it when noting that adding                        
                water to the polyol component is "convenient" rather than necessary.                            
                Similarly, Horn teaches that it is "expedient" to add the silica gel to the                     

                45 Horn 3:21-1354.                                                                              
                46 Horn 2: 19-28 and 13:35-43.                                                                  
                47 Br. 4.                                                                                       

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