Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 8

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                               
                Application 11/008,592                                                                         
                art." The very narrow point for which the examiner cites Skowronski-that                       
                additives may be used with either preforrnulated component-is so                               
                consistent with what Horn already teaches or suggests that those in the art                    
                would not be troubled by the lack of zeolites and less relevant teachings also                 
                found in Skowronski.                                                                           

                       The Eisen patent                                                                        
                       Eisen relates to the production of polyurethane integral foams using a                  
                fluoroalkane as the blowing agent.14 Specifically, a process in which:"                        
                              a) organic and/or modified organic polyisocyanates                               
                              and/or polyisocyanate prepolynlers are reacted with                              
                              b) at least one polyol component with an OH number of                            
                              20 to 200 and a functionality of 2 to 6, preferably 2 to 3,                      
                              c) optionally in combination with a polyol component                             
                              with an OH number of 201 to 899 and a functionality of                           
                              2 to 3, and with                                                                 
                              d) at least one chain lengthening component with an OH                           
                              or amine number of 600 to 1,850 and a functionality of 2                         
                              to 4, and with                                                                   
                              e) optionally additives, activators and/or stabilizers which                     
                              are known per se                                                                 
                              in the presence of water and in the presence of 1,1,1,3,3-                       
                              pentafluorobutane and blowing agent mixtures                                     
                              comprising at least one further fluoroalkane.                                    
                       Eisen is consistent with, but for claim I less instructive than, Horn.                  
                Consequently, we focus on the HornISkowronski rejection.                                       

                3 3 In re Etter, 756 F.2d 852, 859,225 USPQ 1,6 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (en banc).                    
                34 Eisen 1:8-14.                                                                               
                3 5 Eisen 154-25.                                                                              

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