Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 6

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                               
                Application 1 11008,592                                                                        
                       Horn teaches that in low-density (softer) foams it is advantageous to                   
                use crystalline microporous molecular sieves in combination with the                           
                amorphous microporous silica gel.2o Several zeolites are listed as                             
                particularly suitable crystalline microporous molecular  sieve^.^' One of the                  
                zeolites recommended is faujasite, which Bayer requires as the zeolite in its                  
                dependent claim 7.22 According to Horn, it is expedient to mix the silica gel                  
                with the high molecular weight compound to improve the processing                              
                properties and stability of this component of the system. 23 Horn also,                        
                however, notes background art in which zeolites are added to both the polyol                   
                and polyisocyanate components.24                                                               

                       The Skowronski patent                                                                   
                       Skowronski relates to the preparation of insulating foams using high                    
                equivalent weight polyester polyols to permit the use of blowing agents                        
                other than conventional fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons.'5 Any                           
                hydrogen-containing blowing agent may be used although the focus is on                         
                organic blowing agents, like hydrogen-containing halocarbons and                               
                hydrocarbons. Water is suggested as a co-blowing agent with the hydrogen-                      
                containing halo carbon^.^^                                                                     
                       Skowronski notes that it is conventional to preforrnulate two                           
                components, a polyisocyanate component and a polyol component that are to                      

                20 Horn 11 :45-50.                                                                             
                21 Horn 11:51-12:15.                                                                           
                22 Br. 12.                                                                                     
                23 Horn 1 1 :33-42.                                                                            
                24 Horn 2: 19-28.                                                                              
                25 Skowronski 1 :9- 15.                                                                        
                26 Skowronski 10: 1-3 1.                                                                       

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