Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 12

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                               
                Application 1 11008,592                                                                        
                polyol component rather than necessary. In either case, adding the                             
                ingredient to the polyol component may provide advantages, but those of                        
                skill in the art would not understand either reference to teach away from the                  
                alternative of adding the ingredient to the polyisocyanate component.                          
                       Bayer also argues that those in the art would not have expected the                     
                use of zeolites in the polyisocyanate component to result in better Shore D                    
                hardness values for the resulting integral-skin foam.4s The argument is                        
                misdirected because the rationale underlying the claimed invention need not                    
                be the same as the rationale in the prior art.49 Horn notes at least two                       
                reasons to use zeolites: flame and heat resistanceS0 and for some customized                   
                form~lations.~'  If the use of zeolites provides other lagniappes, so much the                 

                               Objective evidence of secondary considerations                                  
                       The only evidence Bayer provides of secondary considerations is in                      
                the specification. Bayer says the use of inorganic zeolites in the isocyanate                  
                component provides surprisingly good results relative to European published                    
                Application 0 3 19 866 A2. Bayer also provides three comparative examples                      
                said to show the improvement.                                                                  
                       We must give weight to evidence of secondary considerations in the                      
                specification if the specification states that the results were not expected and               

                48 Br. 7.                                                                                      
                49 In re Dillon, 9 19 F.2d 688,692-94, 16 USPQ2d 1897, 190 1-02 (Fed. Cir.                     
                1990) (en banc).                                                                               
                   Horn 2: 19-28.                                                                              
                " Horn 1 1 :45-50.                                                                             

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