Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 13

                Appeal 2007-3396                                                                               
                Application 1 11008,592                                                                        
                demonstrates substantially improved results.52 The comparison, however,                        
                must be with the closest prior art.53 Moreover, the comparison must be                         
                representative of what the prior art teaches and what is now claimed.54 For                    
                instance, an older or less related reference may be entitled to less weight as                 
                evidence of what would have been expected as of the applicant's filing                         
                       Bayer's specification states that the result was "[s]urprisingly.. .greatly             
                improved" compared to the process of the European application. For the                         
                purposes of this decision, we assume that the word "surprisingly" indicates                    
                Bayer thought the improvement was unexpected. The specification does                           
                not, however, substantiate the improvement with any data showing the                           
                nature or degree of the improvement. Moreover, Bayer has not provided the                      
                European application as evidence on appea15%o we cannot evaluate its                           
                teachings even if we were so inclined. Thus, we cannot assess whether the                      
                European application is newer or more relevant to what is now claimed than                     
                the Horn patent, for example. On the present record, we have no more than                      
                Bayer's unsupported assurance of surprising improvement, to which we can                       
                accord little weight.                                                                          
                       Bayer also provides three comparative examples showing foams made                       
                with (1) no zeolite, (2) 6 wt.% zeolite in the polyol formulation, and                         

                52 Geisler, 1 16 F.3d at 1470-7 1,43 USPQ2d at 1366.                                           
                53 Abbott Labs. v. Andrx Pharrn., Jnc., 452 F.3d 1331, 1345,79 USPQ2d                          
                1321, 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2006).                                                                   
                54 In re Harris, 409 F.3d 1339, 1344, 74 USPQ2d 195 1, 1955 (Fed. Cir.                         
                55 Geisler, 11 6 F.3d at 1470-7 1,43 USPQ2d at 1366.                                           
                56 Br. 13, Evidence Appendix.                                                                  

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