Ex parte KAHLE et al. - Page 5

        Appeal No. 96-1426                                                              
        Application 08/001,863                                                          

             Consider the sequence of instructions, where NR and AR are opcodes and R1-R4 are
        registers (note that these instructions have the form:  "Opcode (Destination), (Source)")
        (column 9, line 68 to column 10, line 1):                                       
                  NR R1, R2                                                             
                  AR R3, R4                                                             
        Data dependency interlocks occur with register combinations 7-12 listed at the top of column 11,
        e.g., "R1=R3+ R2+ R4" (i.e., destination operand R1 must be written by              
        instruction NR before it is written by instruction AR) or                       
        "R1=R4+ R2+ R3" (i.e., destination operand R1 must be written by                
        instruction NR before it is read as a source operand by                         
        instruction AR).    Vassiliadis  considers  two  types  of                      
        instructions:  logical (LOGICAL) and arithmetic (ADD).  The four                
        sequences of the two types of operations (LOGICAL/LOGICAL,                      
        LOGICAL/ADD, ADD/ADD, ADD/LOGICAL) give rise to data dependency                 
        interlocks for each of the five interlock conditions, for a total               
        of 20 instruction combinations with interlocking.  Figure 5                     
        specifies the operations that must be performed on the operands                 
        to collapse the interlocks.  Figures 6A and 6B specify the ALU                  
        operations required to be performed on operand inputs AI0, AI1,                 
        and AI2.  Figures 7A and 7B specify the routing of the operands                 
        for the ALU to perform the operations of figure 5.  Figure 9                    
        shows a logical representation of the data dependency collapsing                

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