Ex parte KURTH - Page 2

          Appeal No. 93-4005                                                           
          Application 07/795,158                                                       

               This appeal is from a decision of the Primary Examiner                  
          rejecting claims 3, 4 and 6 as being unpatentable under                      
          35 U.S.C. § 103 over the prior art.                                          
               Initially, we note that the examiner's answer (Paper No.                
          10) creates some confusion as to the claims on appeal.  At the               
          time of the final rejection (Paper No. 5), claims 1-6 were in                
          the application.  Claims 1-2 were withdrawn from                             
          consideration.  Claims 3-6 were rejected.  An amendment (Paper               
          No. 6) after final cancelled claim 5.  In his appeal brief                   
          (Paper No. 9), applicant indicates that claims 3, 4 and 6 are                
          on appeal.  In the examiner's answer, it is stated that claims               
          1-5 are rejected (page 2, last two lines) and that                           
          patentability stands or falls with claim 6 (page 2, second                   
          full paragraph).  We agree with applicant that claims 3, 4 and               
          6 are the claims on appeal.                                                  
               We reverse the examiner's rejection of claims 3, 4 and 6                
          and enter a new ground of rejection pursuant to 37 CFR                       
          § 1.196(b).                                                                  
               A.   Findings of fact                                                   
                                Applicant's invention                                  
                    1.   Riboflavin (Vitamin B ) has the formula:                      

                                        - 2 -                                          

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Last modified: November 3, 2007